Setting a New Standard for Endodontics in the UK

Join the Academy

Fellowship Programme

21-Day Course Structure:

4-day boot camp
4-day observation
2-day advanced hands-on
10 days clinical supervision
1-day conclusion


Download the full itinerary of dates + module breakdowns HERE.
The closing date for submissions is February 5, 2024.
We will inform applicants in the second week of February whether their application has been successful.


£10,000 – flexible payment options are available

Terms and Conditions:

Download the complete terms and conditions for the Fellowship HERE.

Meet your Teachers

Clinical director, Richard Kahan, standing outside of the dental practice in London

Richard Kahan

With more than four decades in endodontics, Richard Kahan stands as a beacon of excellence in clinical practice and academic contributions. 

Central in the development of the Endodontics MSc programme at University College London’s Eastman Dental Institute, Richard’s academic contributions are a testament to his vision of integrating cutting-edge technology with foundational endodontic principles. 

His pioneering efforts have been instrumental in shaping the future of endodontics, making him an unparalleled mentor for those eager to delve deep into the realm of root canal treatments.

Clinical director, David Selouk, standing outside of the dental practice in London

David Selouk

A specialist in endodontics, David Selouk embodies the perfect blend of clinical expertise and academic brilliance. 

His passion for saving natural teeth is complemented by his keen affinity for the latest endodontic tools and techniques. 

His hands-on approach, combined with a deep understanding of endodontic intricacies, positions him as a leading figure in the community. David’s role at the Eastman Dental Hospital further underscores his commitment to advancing the field through both practice and education. 

Under David’s guidance, students are assured of a learning experience that is rooted in real-world applications, ensuring they are well-equipped to handle the complexities of modern endodontics.

The course for me has been everything that I wanted and more.  

Richard’s unique ability to communicate difficult concepts into everyday English, as well as his wonderful sense of humour, all helped to make the course enjoyable, relaxed and easy to digest.

There are a few people I recommend as excellent teachers who go out of their way for their students, and Richard is one of them. His patience and humility were two traits that I admired and something that we as students, could benefit from. 

I would strongly recommend this course for anyone looking to improve their endodontic skills at whatever level of clinical practice they may be. I’m sure there will be something that you can take back into your day jobs and tips that can save you time and money with improvements in clinical outcomes.

Dr Junaid Malik


Course Structure Summary

The structure of the fellowship course has been designed to offer a deeply comprehensive, practical and cutting-edge education in endodontics.


Bootcamp: Building a Strong Foundation
- 4 Days

Dive into an intensive “Boot Camp” designed to equip participants with essential skills and knowledge in digital endodontics.


Clinical Observation: Witnessing Theory in Action
- 4 Days

Transition to real-world exposure by observing expert endodontists at work.


Advanced Hands-on: Mastering Complex Procedures
- 2 Days

Spend two days honing your skills in advanced endodontic techniques.


Clinical Practice with Supervision
- 10 Days

Work on real patients from our state-of-the-art practice while supervised by our clinical directors.


Conclusion and Summary: Finalise your Journey
- 1 Day

A day of reflection and consolidation, bringing together your new knowledge and skills ready for your return to practice and the next step of your endodontic journey.

Our Technology

Endodontic technology has evolved in leaps and bounds of the last few decades, yet many traditional academic bodies haven’t stayed ahead of this curve.

The Academy of Advanced Endodontics is firmly committed to technological advancement ensuring that the industry’s leading instruments are always at arms length.

Here’s an overview of the tools you’d be working with:

Laser-Assisted Root Canal Therapy

David Selouk mid procedure speaking to male assistant about dental equipment

We’re the first in the UK to employ the SkyPulse™ endodontic laser with SWEEPS and R-SWEEPS capabilities. This technology, combined with our expertise, ensures narrower, cleaner and less damaged root canals, preserving the natural anatomy of the tooth.

Cone Beam CT Technology

Richard Kahan taking his male patient for an x-ray. Male patient sitting inside x-ray machine

Our on-site Veraview X800 cone beam CT scanner by Morita offers a 3D view of the tooth and surrounding bone, providing unparalleled clarity in diagnosis and treatment planning. As one of the first endodontic practices in the UK to adopt this technology, we’ve become a referral centre for complex cases, trusted by both endodontists and general practitioners.

Intraoral Scanner and 3D Printer

David Selouk mid procedure. A computer screen shows a photograph of teeth in the background

Using our intraoral scanner, we are able to take a digital impression of your teeth. With specialised design software, we construct a 3D-printed guide using our in-house printer. These guides can then be used during treatment to preserve tooth structure and make traditionally highly complex treatments simpler and more predictable.

Morita Tri Auto ZX2 Handpiece

Male endodontist passing a dental tool to another team member

Our collaboration with Morita, a renowned Japanese engineering company, has equipped us with the Tri Auto ZX2 handpiece. This revolutionary device combines the precision of the Morita apex locator with advanced motor capabilities, ensuring rapid, safe and efficient root canal preparations.

Rubber Dam

A testament to our commitment to precision and patient comfort, the rubber dam technique we employ has been a gold standard since 1836. It ensures a clean working environment within the tooth, preventing debris or water entering the patient’s mouth during the procedure.


Female endodontist looking through a dental microscope

The dental operative microscope has been widely employed in the field of dentistry, particularly in endodontics. This results in significant advancements in the effectiveness of root canal treatment and endodontic surgery. The high-quality magnification and illumination greatly enhance visualisation of the operative field, crucial for carrying out intricate endodontic procedures while preserving natural tooth structure.

Why This Fellowship? Why Now?

In the rapidly evolving world of endodontics, staying ahead of the curve is not just an advantage—it’s a necessity. 

The Academy of Advanced Endodontics’ Fellowship Program is meticulously designed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical expertise, ensuring that participants are not only informed but also proficient.

In a world where continuous learning is the key to success, this fellowship is your opportunity to invest in yourself, elevate your practice, and redefine endodontic excellence. Dive in now and shape the future of your endodontic journey.

With the digital revolution reshaping the dental landscape, this fellowship offers hands-on experience with state-of-the-art technology, ensuring you’re well-equipped for the future of endodontics.

Learn directly from industry stalwarts like Richard Kahan and David Selouk. Their combined decades of clinical success and academic prowess provide a learning experience that’s both enriching and enlightening.

From intensive boot camps to real-world clinical observations and hands-on treatment sessions, the program’s structured approach ensures comprehensive learning.

The supervised treatment sessions provide real-time feedback, allowing for on-the-spot learning and refinement of techniques.

By the end of the fellowship, participants will not only have enhanced their skills but will also possess the confidence to tackle complex endodontic challenges.

Engage with a community of like-minded professionals, fostering collaborations and discussions that can shape the future of endodontic practice.

With the skills and knowledge acquired, you’ll be poised to offer superior endodontic care, setting your practice apart and ensuring patient satisfaction and increased income

Hear From One Of Our Fellows:
Dr Gabriela Gomez

Course Structure

This course structure moves participants from foundational knowledge to observation and finally to practical application, ensuring a holistic and thorough grasp of endodontics. The blend of theory, observation, and practice makes it a standout in the realm of endodontic training.

Phase 1


Starting with the “Boot Camp” ensures that every participant begins with a solid foundation. By immersing attendees in hands-on experiences, they become adept with the equipment and techniques essential for high-quality digital endodontics. This phase ensures that all participants are on the same page, regardless of their prior experience, creating a uniform baseline of knowledge and skills.


  1. CBCT, diagnosis and treatment planning
  2. Local anaesthesia
  3. Fast and effective Isolation
  4. Access cavities and canal location
  5. Minimal and safe canal preparation
  6. Laser-assisted irrigation
  7. Bioceramic obturation
  8. Permanent restorative seals. 
  9. Printed 3D guides
  10. Endodontic microsurgery

Phase 2


The second phase offers a unique opportunity to observe real-world scenarios. By watching expert endodontists in action, participants can witness the application of theoretical knowledge in real-life situations. This observational learning is invaluable, as it provides insights into patient interactions, problem-solving, and the nuances of advanced endodontic procedures. It’s a rare chance to learn not just the “how” but also the “why” behind each decision.

Phase 3


The final phase is where the magic truly happens. Participants transition from observers to practitioners, applying everything they’ve learned in a controlled environment. With expert supervision, they get immediate feedback, allowing for real-time adjustments and learning. This hands-on experience, combined with the safety net of expert guidance, instils confidence and competence in the participants.

As A Fellow of the Academy

Expert Consultation

Even after your training, our specialists remain at your side, offering invaluable advice and guidance on intricate treatments.

Endodontic Discussion Forum

Engage in meaningful conversations, share insights, and learn from peers in our exclusive endodontic discussion platform.

Exclusive Course Access

Stay ahead in your endodontic journey with priority access to our future courses and refresher sessions.

Preferred Patient Bookings

Should you refer a patient to us, they’ll receive priority bookings, ensuring timely and efficient care.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

Continue treating your patients at our academy, leveraging our advanced equipment and experienced nursing team to provide unparalleled care.

Associateship Opportunities

Showcase your expertise and passion for endodontics by exploring opportunities to become an integral part of the Academy’s team as an associate.

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